Nana's New Notification Network

Soggy Saturday

Will the rain never stop?

Today I had a WildTree party to go to at Carole Morgan’s, so I decided to take my scooter – it meant a little more travel time, but my day wasn’t booked too tight and it was a lovely day. Dad checked the weather, even, and said it would be fine. I got rained on. Not a lot, but enough to make me go “grrrrrrr…..” I parked my scooter in Carole’s garage and the drive home was dry and lovely.

Later in the day, I went out to the property to mow. For the second time this summer, I watched a storm move across the horizon to the north, thinking it would certainly miss us. And for the second time this summer, I saw said storm make an abrupt change in direction and head right our way. Only this time, I felt the temperature drop like 10 degrees as I drove the mower like crazy to park it and get my scooter. This time I was also a bit more cautious driving home, because the wind was getting really strong. Unfortunately this time I didn’t make it before the rain. I could see it coming toward me on the main street of New Auburn and it hit me like a bucket of water in the face about 4 blocks from home. I seriously couldn’t even keep my eyes open to see, there was so much water in my face. Somehow I managed to drive very slowly home, by which time I was drenched to the skin and rather cold. So I parked my scooter in the garage and ran through the rain to get home and change into dry clothes.

I think next time I see the skies darkening, I’ll just give up mowing and head home right away!! It was really quite scary!

1 Comment

  1. Amy

    I got soaked by that storm also! We were leaving St. Croix Falls and it just started downpour!

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