Nana's New Notification Network

First soaking rain

We woke to the sound of rain on the roof this morning – it was nice! Then the temperature dropped a few degrees and it was not so nice, because it was freezing on the windshield. But that didn’t last too long. This was the first good “wash off the yard” rain we’ve had. It makes me think that it won’t be long until things start to get green.

We sat down with Gary Mohr yesterday to make a complete materials list for the garage we are planning to build on the property in July. Now we we can get a quote on all the materials and know how much money we need to save. We can save about $1500 a month right now (thanks to a job that I’m struggling to tolerate), so we should have enough by July. I’m excited. It has been a while since we’ve built new – like about 15 years! Anyone want to help?? It shouldn’t take long to put up – we aren’t going to pour the concrete or finish the inside – just do the shell, so we have a place to store all the stuff that is in the back of the youth center.

1 Comment

  1. Erica

    Oooooh, bummer! If I wasn’t having the baby in late June I would totally be there to help. 😉 We’ll see how I’m feeling…

    I’ll be praying for the meeting tomorrow to go well!

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