Nana's New Notification Network

My worst day of work ever

We had another membership meeting at work yesterday and didn’t invite the police and other city officials like we did at the last one in January. BIG MISTAKE. The “mean ladies” took over the meeting and said horrible things to and about me. I was angry, but people who care about me were in tears afterwards because they were so mean to me. When I could see there was no way we were going to get back to the agenda, I asked the president to simply adjourn and I went in my office and shut the front desk window and the door and stayed there until they had left.

I’m not sure what the next steps will be, but I’m not leaving, so they are going to have to, some way or other. I can’t be subject to that sort of treatment on my job. My first action today will be to inform the 8:15 exercise class (which several of the “mean ladies” go to) that the building will no longer be available for their class. I know it will make them mad,  so I’m just going to leave the front desk window closed until they leave.  But I shouldn’t have to welcome them into the building where they scowl at me and say who knows what behind my back while they do an exercise program they basically stole from me when I left a year ago.

I’m getting a little tired of all the stress this situation is causing me, to say the least…



  1. Kylene

    I’m so sorry, Mom. That sounds awful. 🙁

  2. Erica

    I’m so sorry too… 🙁 What a terrible mess. And I feel awful that you’re stuck in the middle. It’s just so ridiculous to me that grown women are acting this way. Gah!

  3. Tim

    Can the offending members membership be revoked?

    • admin

      Well, probably, but they don’t have to be members to still come to the Center. If they were not members, they couldn’t stir up the meetings, but that would not solve all the other problems they are causing, such at calling people at the county and even state level so often to complain about such nonsense that those people won’t even take their calls any more. Big meeting tomorrow (Monday) at 5:30. Some action WILL be taken against those people after that meeting. I’m just not sure what.

      • chris

        7 people are having their privilege to be at the Center revoked for a minimum of 60 days.

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