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Today was a Wisconsin Association of Senior Centers (WASC) board meeting (of which I am currently the secretary, but I resigned as of January) over in Stevens Point, which is about a 2 1/2 hour drive. I hate that drive. It is so hard for me to stay awake, both on the way over between 7:00 and 9:30 a.m and on the way back, between 1:45 and 4:15. I don’t know why, but even my lectures or music c.d.’s don’t do the trick. So I resort to stopping to buy a snack every once in a while, which isn’t good for my diet, but keeps me from crashing. When I’m not secretary any more, after about 3 years of that, I’ll feel more free to skip the meetings when I just don’t want to do the drive. If I could drive over with someone it would be better, but its just too far for me to drive alone and still stay alert. Anyway, I made it home safely.

Choir practice tonight. Only two more rehearsals until our concert, because of Thanksgiving being on a Thursday. Things are coming together very nicely, though.


  1. Amy

    The afternoon drive is the one that always makes me sleepy. It’s kind of scary how quickly the brain can start to shut off. Glad you don’t have to do it anymore.
    Less than a week and we get to see you! We’re excited and the kids are counting down the days!

  2. admin

    When I’m with someone, the morning drive is fine. But alone… not. Can’t wait to see you guys, either! Less than a week!


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