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Feet Update

I went to the podiatrist again Tuesday because the problem with the bottom of the one foot had flared up again and was bothering me when I taught aerobics. So I got another shot in that foot, which should take care of that problem. But I talked to her about the possibility of the whole tingling in my feet thing being caused by my back. So she asked if I wanted a referral to their new back doctor, which, of course, I did. I saw her this morning. She is very young, but I thought very good. She took x-rays and actually didn’t seem as alarmed about the state of my back as others had been. She also did some reflex and strength tests and determined that there is a problem with one of the nerves, which is most likely causing the tingling. She suggested a medication that I can just take at bedtime. At this point, since we know now what the cause is, I’m ready to try a medication. She says that is what she would do. So I looked it up on the internet and, besides treating nerve pain like mine, the main use is for treating depression. In much higher doses, of course. But a nice side effect might be that I feel happier this time of year. Who knows? It takes over a week to affect your mood, although the pain alleviation occurs more quickly. I’ll let you know how it goes. I’m ready for this to be gone, already. It has been about 2 years since it started. I also said I was worried that I was causing some damage to the nerves that would leave me crippled by the time I’m 80 and she said she didn’t see that happening, particularly since it hasn’t gotten appreciably worse in such a long time. So, that was a big relief, because my biggest concern wasn’t the symptoms as much as what it might be doing to me that would cause bigger problems in the future.

Okay, that’s all about my health for another couple months. Don’t want to be one of those complaining old ladies!!

1 Comment

  1. Erica

    Haha! I wouldn’t call that “complaining” at all! I didn’t realize that your foot was still bothering you, since you hadn’t mentioned it in a while, so I’m glad you wrote this. I’m also curious to see about the medication too, to see if it affects your mood at all. How curious. And I’m glad you like your new “back” doctor. 🙂

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