I once said to Dad that if something was worth keeping, it was worth keeping in a tote, and not in a cardboard box. Then, when I was making the plans for the new house, I wanted to estimate how much room I would need in my storage room, so I measured all the totes I thought it would take to pack everything in. So, all that was left was to put everything in the totes. Every time I went in that room to get the vacuum, I’d hurry out and try to forget what I’d seen. Ughhh. But today was the day. Dad was busy manning a table for The Garage at the local business expo, so I had a free day. Here are the pictures I actually remembered to take!
Before. Many of the empty totes are out of sight to the left.
Lots of improvement by my lunch break. I went over to the school and watched the table while Dad walked around and talked to people, ate his pizza, and signed us up for drawings. One hour was all I could take. I really am not fond of that sort of thing. Plus, I had a half-done project to complete!
FINISHED!! Huge improvement.
All the empty boxes, broken down and ready to go to recycling.
Each tote is labeled with a letter and I have a very specific list of what is in each one. I had totes (or laundry baskets) from letter A through W. That one box is Dad’s books – they are his responsibility.
Many of the totes are too tall for our current shelves. We’ll build some shelves further apart in the new house.
A few things didn’t go in totes. The black plastic bag is full of bubble-wrap that I just could not throw away. The Hefty bags will be mostly used by the time we move.
ooooooh! It looks awesome!