Yesterday was the busiest day ever, but I didn’t eat wrong. We plan to go out for supper every Thursday and this week I only had a few minutes, so we went to McDonalds and I had a McChicken and a side salad with dressing and croutons. So, here was my other menu for Thursday:

Breakfast:  Oatmeal with 1 T soy granules; V8

Snack: Banana

Lunch: tomato soup and tuna salad on home made bread

Snack: yogurt

Supper: see above

Snack: small banana and handful of dry roasted edamame

 My snacks were a little off because I was supposed to have bread for the afternoon snack, but I’d eaten the last of it at lunch. So I had the evening snack in the afternoon. So I just had another banana when I got home after choir and collapsed into bed.

What made the day busy, you ask? Chipping away at ice on the sidewalk between my exercise classes, over to school to practice for MS solo/ensemble, record audition tape with Emma Martin, two lessons in Cameron, followed by tai chi class there, quick supper, practice with soloist who is preparing for a talent show, then choir and home.