We have a renter for the upstairs apartment, so she spent the weekend moving in and Dad spent much of it working on little things up there. I spent most of the weekend washing clothes. He brings boxes of things and I wash and dry them before we can bring them in. Lots of blankets and pillows and winter coats this weekend.  Other things get blown off and wiped off, but the clothes are simple  – just toss them in the washer. With the weather so nice, much of it got hung out on the line to dry, but I did take several trips to the laundromat, too.

I also finished a book. I’m reading a four-book series of Christian mysteries that are very good. I finished the second book last night, rather late, and I’m well into the third book today. Maybe you have heard of them – the first is called Camp Refuge. They take place right down by Kylene and Justin, in a made-up island just off Tybee Island and in Savannah.