Today I took off work to go to the district meeting of the Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Groups (CWAG). It was right up in Cameron at the Pioneer Village Museum. I hadn’t been to a meeting in a couple years, and couldn’t pass up a meeting so close to home. We heard a really good talk from the director of the state organization, who is basically a lobbyist for senior issues in the state. He was talking about how our political system got to where it is and what needs to be done to make it more like a democracy rather than having the people who are supposed to be representing people actually representing the corporations who pay them the most. He also talked about what might help politicians to be more honest, because they really are not. Very interesting. Then we got a tour of the museum. I hadn’t been for a couple years, since we took Ethan and Audrey.

Now I’m headed out for a bicycle ride on a very beautiful autumn afternoon!