Nana's New Notification Network

Exciting week

I spent 7 hours over the weekend mowing the property in the country. It was beautiful out, so I didn’t mind, but I don’t want to have to do that again. Our rider died. But we found a new one – well, used one, but only 2 years old. It was right around what we wanted to pay, but nicer than we could ever have hoped for and exactly the kind I wanted. I’ll post a picture after I pick it up later this week. But here are some pictures of the property after it was all nicely mowed with the push mower.

Today I went to an auction. A older woman that moved into a small apartment in town. We had thought about buying her farm, but they want too much. Anyway, I got some real treasures!


  1. Amy

    Those are beautiful photos!

  2. Nathan

    YOU PUSH MOWED THE ENTIRE PROPERTY! Holy smokes. How long was it to begin with? With our mower, I have to go a little way, then slow down to let the long grass work its way out before I move on (Though that might be because I broke the pins that let me take the mulch guard off…) It would have taken me four or five hours (and two or three refills of gas) to do the property!

    • Nathan

      Wait. I missed something. It took YOU seven hours. Strike my estimate. With my slowpoke mower, it would have taken 12 or 14!!!

  3. Erica

    Haha! Nathan’s comments make me laugh. 🙂 Yup, that’s definitely a lot of mowing, Mom. But the pictures turned out just beautifully–it really is such a picturesque setting. Just looking at the pictures makes me want to drive over there right now…

    Those cookie presses (I can’t remember the official name) are just gorgeous. Are you going to try and use them? Or just keep them as decoration?

  4. admin

    Oh, I’m going to use them. I don’t think the recipe is very hard. It will mostly be a matter of not burning them. But it will be a fun thing to practice come December.

    And, Nathan, it took me way more than 3 or 4 fill ups. I think it was about 8. I know it was 4 the first day and it had to be at least 4 the second day. That day I filled up every time I completed a section and moved the car, so I wouldn’t have to walk to the car to get the gas.

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