Down another pound this week. It is slow going, but as everyone likes to remind those of us on diets, at least it is heading in the right direction! But it is so hard to be patient. How I wish there were instant results to weight loss efforts. A pound seems like so little after a whole week of really being invested in the lifestyle of eating less than I want, exercising daily, and giving up all sorts of things.

This is when I have to remind myself that this weight loss isn’t all there is to life. I also had a good week at school – we got a lot of music learned. It was a great weekend in the backyard – we did some work on the yard itself, pulling vines and preparing places for flowers, as well as getting the floor (fencing) attached to the framework for the chicken house. I finished a couple of books, including The Oz Principle, which gave me more incentive to be accountable for my eating, rather than making excuses.

So maybe only one pound, but still a very good week.