We’ll be heading down to Bristol again on Saturday morning. We’ll probably drive to about Indianapolis on Saturday, then finish the trip on Sunday. We have an appointment at 1800 Windsor Ave at 9:00 on Monday morning to do a walk through with the home inspection guy and the realtor. We already know a lot about what we are going to find, both from pictures and from emails from the owner to his realtor that are forwarded to us. The water and electric are off at the boxes, because work has been started and not finished, so turning either on could be catastrophic at this point. Hopefully we will be able to tell if things are fixable, although I have no reason to doubt that they will be. The seller seems to be pretty straightforward about things, and he does have a bible verse at the end of his emails. (Of course, we are talking “down south” and maybe everyone does that! We know we have a lot to learn about Tennessee culture.)
We are excited to be moving forward again on this anticipated relocation.
ooooh, fun! I just looked at the pictures. I like how it bumps up to the hill–makes for a really secluded back yard.