Nana's New Notification Network

Almost mid-October

I can’t believe it is almost the middle of October already! It has been so warm that it seems like September still. But I guess we have some much colder temperatures on the way, so it will feel more like we would expect. We had to turn on the furnace today and the one in the back half, where we live, didn’t pump out any warm air – just cold. It felt like the temp was dropping rather than raising, so I just turned it off and waited for Dad to get home. Apparently that furnace still has a pilot light, and it had gone off somewhere in the course of the summer! So it is  nice and warm now, but has that funky smell of a furnace run for the first time of the season!

So, six weeks from tomorrow we head for Gary to see all of you! That is coming really soon! Are we doing the white elephant exchange again this year? Dad asked me that the other day, and I wasn’t exactly sure. I know I need to have all the Christmas shopping for the grandkids done by then – I’d better get going on that!

We were originally thinking that Dad would go south first and get a job, so I could keep working and we wouldn’t be without one of us with a job. But I ran the numbers, and we are actually better off if we both keep working here until May, then both quit at the same time and move, because then we will only have the living expenses in one house. Kind of obvious when I say it, but for some reason, our thinking was clouded on that issue. So right now the plan is to both move to TN the end of the second week of May. That is still around 7 months away, but we have a lot of organizing and getting rid of stuff to do before then. Still it is nice to be thinking that this is going to be our last winter in Wisconsin. Hope it is a mild one.



  1. Erica

    Yes! I’m planning on the white elephant gift exchange still. It has become one of my favorite memories of our get-togethers. So. much. laughing.

    We turned on our furnace for the first time today too–I could smell that “weird” smell as I was waking up (Tim was up before me). 🙂

  2. Krista

    Luke and I have been working on gift ideas for a while, so I hope we’re doing it!

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