Would you believe that the piano, the newly refurbished Steinway, had a problem that needed to be fixed before the concert? About 10 minutes before the concert, I checked and they said it was fixed and they just had to put the piano back together. 5 minutes later, I checked again and they still seemed to be trying to get the same pieces together. 4 minutes later – same thing. I was getting worried… Then the director started the choir walking in, because she didn’t know they were not finished. They were still on the floor as the risers were filling up. They played all the keys to make sure they worked as the front row was walking in, and gathered their stuff and walked off stage just as the last people walked on. Talk about cutting it close! The piano worked fine, though! (And they got rousing applause from the audience as they walked off stage!)
The concert was fantastic. The Carmina Burana selections were particularly well-received and we got a standing ovation!
Whoa! I’ve never heard of having to fix the piano RIGHT UP TO when the choir is walking on the stage. Talk about stressful! I’m glad it all worked out! 🙂
Yea, I’d never seen that happen before, either.