Nana's New Notification Network

Chloe and Josiah here


Chloe changed the perpetual calendar for me.  She didn’t really have as much of a problem as she appears to be having in this shot! She had a system and it worked great!

They came to work with me for just two hours, but that was plenty. Then we took the dogs to the property and all four ran and ran for half an hour. Home for lunch and Josiah fell right asleep!

Later today we go to the choir room to practice with a few kids during choir, then home for a lesson, then quick run to DQ, then back to practice with a gal for Easter music, then to the New Auburn Community choir concert in New Auburn this evening. Full day!

1 Comment

  1. Erica

    Yay! I love seeing pictures. Way to go Chloe!

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