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Piano problems

Both of the grand pianos I’m responsible are giving me headaches. My own has this crazy vibration of the lower bank of strings and I thought tuning it would fix it, but it didn’t. Then I had Mr. Skerhutt here for a couple hours yesterday, and he couldn’t fix it, but he didn’t leave a note or anything, so I’ve got to call him and see what he thinks I should do. I’ll probably have to call in the experts from River Falls, which is going to cost a bunch. But I really can’t stand it the way it is.

Then I still have to find someone to fix the one at work before my May recital. No one around, and that includes Eau Claire, seems to be able to work on it. So now I’m emailing back and forth with the company that made it. It is a baby grand piano with a player piano attachment and we think the problem might be in the interface between the electronics and the action on the keys, since when it plays, the keys actually move. And a couple keys don’t play right when you just use it as a regular piano.

Both problems are kind of weird and very frustrating!

1 Comment

  1. Erica

    ooooooh, that’s so frustrating…. sorry. 🙁

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