Nana's New Notification Network

Today’s the day

Today I interview for my job. There is really no reason to be, but still I am nervous. A person can never be sure of anything until it actually is. So, I have three lessons after school, then the Community Center Board meeting, then my interview, then I come home and give another lesson, then back for the rest of the meeting, at which time I find out (I think) whether I’ve been hired.

That is just the first step to developing the new normal. And you know how much I like things to be “normal.” Excitement is overrated. And stress I can certainly do without!


  1. Erica

    oooooh! I can’t wait to find out! 🙂

  2. chris

    Neither can I. Nothing is official until the City Council puts their stamp on it next Tuesday, but I am talking to the city clerk about wages today.

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