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Whew – I made it through the week.

I worked 27 hours, plus all the music things on Monday and a funeral on Tuesday and all the regular piano lessons throughout the week. I actually missed two yesterday. They had rescheduled and called when the door was locked and I, unfortunately, was shopping with Dad in Rice Lake  – I’d completely forgotten about it. Oh, well…

Let me share what happened today. The gal that has been stirring up most of the trouble came in with a couple other ladies and undecorated the Center. She had apparently donated a lot of stuff for decorating and came and took back all her stuff. Instead of taking her strings of lights off the tree, she just cut them all and left them on the tree. So I had to take them all off, so I can put new ones on. But it was just appalling. I was so angry I was literally shaking. All I actually said to her was that she wasn’t hurting Tina (the head of the nutrition program who, fortunately, is on vacation), but all the people who come to the Center. Didn’t matter. I did make a comment to the people in my class that it reminded me of the Grinch. Well, it did.  She even pulled little yarn bows off the little trees on the tables. I’m sure she just threw the yarn away, but she couldn’t possibly have just left them on the trees. AAAAAAGGGGHHHH!  Things are really bad there. Keep praying for us.

I’m really glad it is Friday.

1 Comment

  1. Erica

    I’m so sorry! What a terrible grinch! 🙁 Grrrr… hearing all that stuff she did just makes my blood boil. Tim said what she did sounds illegal to him–since she donated it it wouldn’t be hers anymore… I really hope things get better. And soon!

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