Nana's New Notification Network


First, some pictures of the replacement of the back door project.

The back room blocked off to keep the rest of the house warmer.

The back room blocked off to keep the rest of the house warmer.

Work in progress

Work in progress

the end of day 1.

the end of day 1.

End of day 2 - door with window and storm door.

End of day 2 – door with window and storm door.

Beautiful window lets more light in.

Beautiful window lets more light in.

Just by way of explanation – We had found a door without a frame, which had a plain, boring window and we’d also found a window for a door, that we got for free. But then, we had to buy a whole new, cheap door to get the needed door frame. At the end of day 1, we just had finished putting that frame and door in. On the second day, Dad traded that door with the one we’d bought and replaced the window in. Make sense?

And now for some Christmas decorating pictures:

Small Santa collection

Small Santa collection

Hutch with usual decoration and two Christmas turtles.

Hutch with usual decoration and two Christmas turtles.

Penny rug runner on counter

Penny rug runner on counter

Christmas tiles on the perpetual calendar.

Christmas tiles on the perpetual calendar.

Handmade nativity scene

Handmade nativity scene

Medium Santas on the organ

Medium Santas on the organ

Small tree with Grandma McCrea's handmade ornaments

Small tree with Grandma McCrea’s handmade ornaments

Whirlygig decoration in waiting room

Whirlygig decoration in waiting room

Old fashioned lamp and Santa

Old fashioned lamp and Santa

Nativity collection on entryway table

Nativity collection on entryway table

Wreath on decorative door in fitness room

Wreath on decorative door in fitness room

Tree just outside waiting room

Tree just outside waiting room

Shelf-hanger Santa

Shelf-hanger Santa

And, finally, we couldn’t keep Pippi from jumping over the baby gate, so we put in something  a bit higher, and easier for us to navigate, as well.


1 Comment

  1. Erica

    You’re right! Seeing the original door makes me appreciate the pretty window in the new door. It was so dark and closed off feeling before.

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