We got the kitchen cabinets in place, but the sink is not yet cut in. But I can see now how my kitchen will look and it is wonderful. There will be lots more kitchen room than I have now, which I’m excited about! The other spaces, dining room and living room, will be smaller, but big enough for the limited furniture we need.

We also did a lot of mudding in the laundry room  yesterday. We didn’t quite get everything done we wanted, but Dad has two half days off this week, so we should have everything done in time to move the pianos on Saturday. We need to save a little time next week for some work that needs to be done here before the new people can move in. Plus on Wednesday we are driving over to Rhinelander to see a college roommate that is up from Ohio for the week. I’m kind of nervous about that since I haven’t seen her and her husband since our kids were little!