Nana's New Notification Network

I’m freaking out…

I’ve been way overeating the past couple of days (after I actually made my goal on Wednesday – 14 pounds lost), and I stopped last night to ask why. I am totally freaking out about being able to move by the end of the month. Except we have to move, because someone else is planning to move in here. But there is SO MUCH left to do at the new place. And SO MUCH left to do here. And I’m really not sure we can get it all done.

But I’ve been here before. Well, not exactly the same thing, but where I didn’t think we’d make a deadline. So what I did when I couldn’t sleep this a.m. was get up and make a countdown tablet, with each day showing how many days are left and spaces to list what I needed to do that day at each place and what I was planning to do that day for just myself. Hopefully it will help me keep a bit of my focus on taking care of myself. And it will help me remember that a goal is met by doing a little each day.

The plumbers didn’t quite finish yesterday, so now I’m also really worried that the plumbing bill will be more than we budgeted and the money is almost gone. But I know we’ll figure it out. And we are doing the best we can with the resources we have, so I can’t expect any more of either of us.


  1. Amy

    You can do it! I’m sure that is easier said than done. I would be anxious in your situation too.

    • chris

      Thanks for the encouragement. We had a very successful weekend, so I’m feeling a little more positive.

  2. Erica

    Hang in there! I’m so excited that you were able to find renters so quickly–and this will soon all just be a distant memory of chaos. 🙂 And congrats on the weight loss!!!!

    • chris

      Thanks. Yeah, the weight loss. My goal this week is just to hit the low I hit last week, and it is several pounds away yet. But I’m still confident I can get to the 15# loss by our get-together. Not the 20# I originally hoped, but I am a terrible example of how to lose weight – great one day, horrible two days, etc.

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