Nana's New Notification Network


It is funny how God works life out. I’ve been not working now for 70 days. And I think I must have needed those days to just adjust to the change and do some thinking about where I want to go next. Thanks to Nathan and Amy, I got a chance to do a personality inventory and saw in black and white how much better I am suited for working one-on-one with people and not so much in a group setting. (I don’t play particularly well with others…)

I scheduled this new class and ended up with one student in each of the two sessions – one in the aerobics and one in the strength. And I am so energized by working with just one person as opposed to a whole group, that I just feel that may be what I’m supposed to be doing. I’m still trying to figure out how to go about getting clients, but I know that is what I’d be happiest doing.

Then, I don’t know if I mentioned, but after I played for Jamison’s audition at UW-Eau Claire (where he did decide to go, which has made them VERY happy), they mentioned that he should bring his accompanist along. So I wrote them a letter saying I was indeed interested in working with them at UW-EC if they had a need. I finally, just tonight, got an email back, asking what I charge (I don’t know…) and how often I’d want to come. So, something may come of that too, which I would find very exciting!!

So, this is all to say that I’m feeling that there is something new and exciting waiting for me just around the bend. For now, I’ll just keep doing the work before me and responding to opportunities as they arise. Please pray for wisdom for me to know when God is telling me what to do. As you all know, it is sometimes a confusing matter!

1 Comment

  1. Amy

    It is very cool that you learning more about yourself. That sort of thing fascinates me. Krista has taken the DiSC assessment as well. I don’t remember what her results were. I think She had a high D. My S was high. I wish I could find my results from when I did it because I don’t remember the rest.

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