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38 degrees and not even noon!

Need I say more? And the sun is shining. Sun and warm weather on the same day! I think I’m just going to go out and walk and walk in the sunshine this afternoon. My 1:00 lesson cancelled and I’m actually glad, because I get more time to enjoy the weather.

I went for a run this morning with my yaktraks on and fell twice. Hard. My one yaktrak got hooked on the other and tripped me so I fell on my face. Well, actually my one knee and hands first. And it happened twice, on opposite knees, about 1 mile and a half apart, so both of my knees and hips hurt equally. Kind of hard to limp when you’ve hurt both legs. Urrrgghh….But I took some ibuprofen and taught both of my classes and they went okay. I think I’m probably feeling better than I would have if I’d have just propped my feet up and rested. Dad is getting me new yaktraks. because I managed to break one on the second fall. But they were wearing out and when that happens, the wires start to stick out and that is where the trouble comes from. I knew the wires were sticking out, too, because I would always get caught on the carpet, even if I put them on right by the door and only stepped one or two steps on the carpet. So, I guess it is time for new ones. They have come way down in price since I got my first ones, but they probably aren’t made as well. They really work for running on snow, though.

1 Comment

  1. Erica

    I opened my windows while I was cleaning today! 🙂 It was AMAZING!

    Sorry to hear about your fall… that’s no good.

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