After reading Chloe’s list on Erica’s site, I realized that I miss knowing what everyone wants for Christmas. It doesn’t really matter because I’m not going to buy anything on the lists – I’m pretty much done buying. But it gives a real insight into what is important to each person that particular year and what stage they are in, if they are a kid. And trying to find things off the lists in past years was always a challenge, and I relish challenges.  I remember the year we looked and looked for a shirt Tim wanted, but couldn’t find it until we thought to look on Ebay, where we did find it.

This year I discovered shopping Walmart online. It combines the best of both worlds – the ease of shopping online and the inexpensive prices of Walmart. I think the online prices may even be lower than in the store. I even bought myself some p.j.’s that I’m going to have Dad wrap and give me, rather than having him pick something out at the last minute and spend way too much for something I only wear to bed!

We have nothing special scheduled for the rest of the week, other than church tonight at 6:30, and again on Sunday. Sunday I also get the choir together between services. I have two pieces picked out for Christmas Eve and we’re going to learn them in three rehearsals. There are not enough people willing to come every week to actually have a choir. But people will come for Christmas and Easter performances. They may only come to one rehearsal, but the congregation isn’t too hard to please, so I’m going to try not to stress about it.