Wow. 33 years ago today, Dad and I stepped across the threshold from being carefree college students to being parents. We thought we were so mature, but looking back, I see that we were so young. (23) But we knew enough to ask the doctor for advice and he told us something that we have remembered forever: This baby (Nathan) is a person, not just a baby. Raise him to be an adult – keep that focus in mind through everything else. And we did. With all of you. Sure, we had fun with the baby and child stages. But our goal was always to raise good, healthy, well-adjusted adults. And we feel we accomplished our goal! And then some….
Happy birthday, Nathan! You changed our lives. And in a very, very, very good way.
Thank you!
And I couldn’t have asked for better parents. So much of who I am comes from you two, and I like who I am 🙂