Nana's New Notification Network

Arggghhhh…. it’s snowing AGAIN.

This is getting ridiculous. It snows, then melts, then, just when you think if might melt off enough to rake the yard, it snows again. Seriously?? Enough is enough. Another inch or so since lunch-time. Slippery roads, the whole nine yards. I may just stay in Georgia.

And I have a cold, to boot. Not a very good day.


  1. Amy

    It seems like the winter that will never end!

    • chris

      I know. I count April 15 as the beginning of spring, and this is the first one that we’ve actually had snow on the ground all day. It didn’t even all melt, partly because we got so much and partly because it isn’t very warm. Where I grew up, in southern WI, April 15 is the day you plant your early garden veggies – potatoes, peas, spinach, onions, etc. And April 25 is when we plant them up here. We’ll probably have to shovel snow off the garden to plant.

  2. Erica

    I agree!! Tim is about ready to go CRAZY–he’s so anxious to start work!

    In other news we went looking at houses yesterday. What a miserable day to go in and out of houses all afternoon… we saw 7 houses. And we actually found one we love. 🙂

    • chris

      So, give us the link to it, so we can check it out!!

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