Nana's New Notification Network

All is Well

Not many posts this week because most lives are not back to normal. But we are. Back to normal, that is.

We were pretty well rested up by Monday when the work week started. I remembered I’d forgotten to advertise in the Alert for the special speaker I had coming in today, but we had a decent turnout, anyway, so that was a relief. I tend to worry that no-one will come. It was on the 10 warning signs of Alzheimers and it was very good.

We still have snow on the ground and it looks like it is trying to snow just a smidge right now. As long as it is this cold, bring on the snow! It will get me into the Christmas spirit so I will get my decorating done this coming weekend.

Hope everyone is having a great week. Can’t wait to see pictures of our get-together. I brought my camera, then didn’t take any.

1 Comment

  1. amy

    All is well here. We’re heading home on Thursday morning.
    I’m sure it will be nice to make your “new” place look festive 🙂

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