Nana's New Notification Network

Selling Jamal

I advertised Jamal on Craig’s List and got a way bigger response that I’d expected – 7 interested people! So I had a single bid auction, which made some of them mad, but we had a gal offer us $50 for him. We’re only taking $1 more than the next highest bid, though, so that will be $21. Still, I’m glad he is going to someone who was willing to pay $50 for him. Makes me feel good about the kind of care he will get. Soon we will be able to stop driving to New Auburn every day and we will really begin saving on gas!

1 Comment

  1. Erica

    I’m glad you found a home for him–and so quickly! I already told Chloe about the goats. She was sad that Jasmin died but thought it was a good idea that Jamal would go and live with other goats. 😉

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