Nana's New Notification Network

Officially on the ball

I still monkeyed around with my “diet,” having very little success last week. But this weekend I’d finally had it – with myself being so on again/ off again, and with all the unsightly fat I’m carrying around. So I sat down Saturday and made up complete menus for 5 entire weeks, as well as the shopping lists to go with them. I don’t eat fancy food and I eat the same sorts of things a lot. But still, having a menu means I will eat a better variety than I eat otherwise. It took me about 5 hours, but it was worth it. For the last 3 days, I didn’t need to think about what I was going to eat and whether it was going to be an allowable food or not. I simply am eating what the menu says – no less, no more.

I know it has only been 2 3/4 days, so it is a little early to say anything, but I feel this might actually work. I want to believe it, anyway. I started right off by losing 3 pounds in those first 2 days. From now on out, I’m hoping for 2 pounds a week because I do exercise really a lot a work. I’ll keep you posted (if you care!)


  1. amy

    That’s a great idea. It sounds like something that will work really well!

    • chris

      So far, so good. Today was a little harder, because of bringing Chloe over, but I had planned a McDonald’s cone for an afternoon snack. This is interesting – I got there and the calories are included on the outside menu screen and it said 310 calories for a vanilla cone and only 270 calories for a dipped cone. I asked her why and she said it is because the vanilla cone is 6 swirls and the dipped are only 3 swirls. So I asked for just a 3 swirl vanilla cone, which was much more in line with the 3 points I had counted for it! Of course it cost the same, but at least I didn’t go way over my points.

      • Erica

        That’s so interesting about the cones!

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