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Home again, home again

I’m back and I must say that the best part of the whole experience was going WITH someone this year. The gal from Cameron has only been director a few months and she is even more part time than I am. So I drove and we chatted and chatted all the way down and all the way back. Sure makes the drive go faster and easier!

Then we roomed together, so I didn’t have long evenings by myself. She did go to sleep earlier, but she is a lot older – in her 70’s I guess, although you can’t tell to look at her. She is one of those super cool dressers – besides the senior center, she also works at Fashion Bug in Rice Lake. She is really petite and looks lots better than me in her clothes and she has nice clothes, to boot. She is a very high-energy person and very outgoing. It was fun.

And I learned a few things at the conference, too.


  1. Amy

    Welcome back! Where did you stay?

    • admin

      We stayed at Wild Canyon Resort, right behind the Wilderness Water Park. There wasn’t water in the part of the waterpark that was outside, of course, so that was a little weird. It was a very nice convention center, though. The rooms were very “rustic” with log headboards on the beds, etc.

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