The day started with a text message from the gal moving out of 123, saying she didn’t finish yesterday, but she thought she’d be out by 2:00. I already had the car loaded and ready to go right away this morning, so I was a bit frustrated. But I went ahead and packed all my glass dishes, glasses, storage containers and such in my dresser drawers (an idea someone at work shared with me, which works greats, since I don’t have many boxes, so I have to empty them right  away and re-use them) amd packed more of the kitchen in the last two plastic storage containers. At about 11:00, I went to Chetek with the first load and to hang all the bedding on the clotheslines up there, and found that she still had quite a  bit to move. But I was able to stash that load in the laundry closet, which was empty and clean. So now I have the car full with what I packed this a.m. and am waiting until close to 2:00 to take that load up and to dry some more loads of laundry at the laundromat.