I knew I needed to try shopping at Aldi’s again. I’d had a couple bad experiences because I didn’t know the rules. But Dad and I scoped it out the other day and I ventured in by myself today. I got cash at the bank, brought along my bags and had a quarter for the cart, so I was set. Mostly I loaded up on canned goods, because quality isn’t such an issued with canned beans and soups. I have them all piled up on the counter and am trying to think of where to put them all. I have a total of 48 cans/jars. Won’t exactly fit in my cupboards. I think I’m just going to take most of them over to the new pantry, because there is more space just sitting there than I have here. And we bought the kitchen sink today, so once that is in, there is no reason we can’t start doing all of our eating over there.  Then I can also use my cool new fridge and my dishwasher! I think we might start staying over there, even though it isn’t finished, just not move much stuff over until we are done making all Bthat dust. The proverbial end is in sight and I am getting so impatient to have it done!

On of our hens literally flew the coop yesterday. Dad clipped the wings on the rest of them, but that one is no where to be found. So we are down to 5, unless she shows up today. Makes me sad not knowing where she is – they’ve gotten to be almost like pets.

Buds are starting to come out on a lot of things and colder weather is expected next week. Could be disastrous. I think we might throw sheets over the apple trees to see if we can keep the blossoms this year  – if the blossoms are out, that is. Last time we looked there were just a few leaves. But things like lilacs have a lot of leaves and some bushes are fully in bloom. Crazy!