Well, this is it! Opening night for Grease. I heard that a bad dress rehearsal means a good opening night, and I sure hope that is true.  All the snafus were technical ones or costume changes, but still, it wasn’t a very tight performance. I mean, does the audience really want to listen to 5 minutes of scene change music while the gals get dressed? I don’t think so… Hopefully they will learn how to change a LOT faster tonight and the microphone people will get those bugs worked out. Things like the backup singers being so loud you couldn’t hear the soloists! But, no matter how it goes, I’m really glad to finally be to the performance stage. We had really a lot of rehearsals – more than I’ve ever been part of in the past. At least I know my part well!

Other than that, this promises to be a quiet weekend. I actually will get to work with Dad on the house tomorrow and Sunday, which I am looking forward to.