So now I have hives. Turns out I was allergic to the medicine that cured (I think) my ear infection. My ear isn’t totally unplugged yet, but I can hear out of it pretty good and the pitches are the same in both ears, which is a huge (and I mean huge) relief.
But I have hives. It started Sunday on my lip. That went away pretty quickly, but now the itchy red patches are just popping up all over my body. They stay around about a day, then disappear and pop up somewhere else. Very weird. Sometimes I have a bunch on my back. Other times, they will be more on my chest. Sometimes arms, but not as many there. Very rarely legs, but definitely everywhere that is covered with undergarments, to be discrete.
So I remembered that my mom used to get hives. I talked to her today. Turns out she had them for years on end and actually takes a “hives pill” as she calls it. I only thought she got them on her lip, because that was all that I could see. But she said she got them all over and her feet or hands would swell up. Mine don’t swell, so I guess I don’t feel so bad.
So, anyway, if any of you that are direct offspring get hives, be aware that it does run in your family. Sorry. And a possible allergy to pennicilin, since it seems that might have been the cause and Dad’s whole family except him is allergic to penniccillin (how do you spell that word, anyway?)
Hope you have a good weekend! We are going car shopping, since a deer totaled Dad’s car (although it didn’t take much damage to do that – he can still drive it). But we’ll be getting about $1250 from the insurance company (for a car we paid $300 for!) and I have $400 saved and we got an unexpected check for an overpayment in escrow in Georgia for about $400, so we have almost $2000!
Yeah for making money off of totalling the car. That is crazy!
I hope the hives go away quickly. I’m allergic to some form of penicillin too. I got a cut on my leg (I actually have a dent on my leg there now where the scar is) when I was in high school and it became very infected. I was on a pretty strong prescription and I got hives also. So, I’m not sure if it was a fluke or not. I always have to warn doctors of that though.
Do you remember how long it took for the hives to go away completely. I’m getting pretty tired of them and it has only been a week.