Nana's New Notification Network

Secret passage?

We are down to only one more room to totally re-do. That is the piano room. So last night, after moving all the tools from that room to the newly floored room, we started dismantling that room. We took one layer off the ceiling, but it looks like there is plaster and lathe under it, so we left that for another day. We removed the old sheet rock and found two other window openings, so now I have to decide if I want to go back to the two tall skinny windows or stay with the one in the middle. I’ll probably stay with what is there.

Then we started taking the floor off. There is a layer of particle board over a framework that raises it about an inch or more off the old floor, which is tile. After we had part of the first removed, I just wanted to see what it would take to remove the next layer. Then Dad said, “It looks like that is a piece patched in there.” We thought it might be the trap door to a secret hiding place or something, so we couldn’t quit until we got that all off.

No secret hiding place. Another set of stairs to the basement, that have been sealed off from the basement. The basement would have been a lot more spacious with the stairs there. Anyway, there was no treasure – just a lot of cobwebs and standing water in the bottom that Dad wants to get rid of. But he did say we can throw all the old sheetrock down there instead of paying to take it to the dump! And we have to figure out how to frame over the top before we put the new floor over it.

The excitement never ends!

1 Comment

  1. Krista

    Yay! Only one room left to go!

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