After tonight’s performance, I’ll have 7 trips to the Red Barn done and 7 to go. Last night, the 6th time through the music, I finally felt I had it all down. It is really a challenge for me to be playing off a part that has no vocals written in, because I’m so used to playing off a conductor’s score. But I’m getting all the entrances and where they are in my music figured out. I still have no idea what most of the soloists are singing about, since the band is so loud, but if I really cared, I could listen to the c.d. It is really rock and roll-y, and isn’t something I’d listen to for enjoyment, so I haven’t listened to it more than once and I’m not sure I made it all the way through then. Another good thing about this show is that we’re done and on the way home by just a few minutes past 10:00!
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